Friday, November 8, 2013


"Style is thumbing its nose and the dogma of seriousness. A cunning maximalism is making life happier. Disrespectful mash-ups, quirky subversions, provocative collages and chaotic combinations are mixing up the codes of neoclassical culture and digital pop culture. Chic and striking, the new iconoclastic bling style is going all in for boldness.  On the entertainment menu: humor, derison and quirkiness." - L'Observetoire de Maison et Objet

One of my favorite art installations at Maison et Objet was a booth entitled "Funt@sy." It was such a refreshing reminder to not take ourselves too seriously and have more FUN with adorning our interiors. The tongue and cheek display took items from hundreds of vendors at the fair and did a clever mash-up of what to expect in art, design and fashion going forward...

Iconic and Ironic Pillows

Upholstered Decorative Surfboard

French Funt@sy Commode

Balloon Bean Bags and Lanterns

Koons Inspired Lamp atop "Up" Cocktail Table 

Lucite Foosball Table (only 20K Euro!)

Graphic Game Table

Colorful Critters

Koons-inspired perches

Curiosities and taxidermy were prevalent everywhere...from the fairs to the design boutiques to the flea markets.  For the real thing, Deyrolle is still THE place to go.  For the preservationists and animal overs out there, these items may be more appropriate below...

If you are interested in any additional information on any of the objects seen here, please do not hesitate to contact us at the design studio.

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